

单词 anxious
释义 anxiousanxiousanxious /ˈæŋkʃəs/ adjective1worried about somethinganxious aboutI’m quite anxious about my exams.exam我很担心我的考试。an anxious look焦急的神情an anxious moment/time etc (=one in which you feel worried)2feeling strongly that you want to do something or want something to happenanxious to do somethingI was anxious to get home.be我急着要回家。anxious (that)We’re very anxious that no one else hears about this.hear我们非常着急﹐希望没有别的人听说这事。—anxiouslyanxiously adverb: Mom waited anxiously by the phone.wait妈妈焦急地等在电话机旁。THESAURUS: anxiousworried not happy or relaxed because you keep thinking about a particular problem or something bad that might happen: People are worried about losing their jobs.beworrylosejobanxious worried, especially when you feel you have no control over the situation. Anxious is stronger and more formal than worried: When people can’t sleep, they become anxious about it.Anxious relatives waited for news at the airport.relativewaitnervous worried and slightly frightened about something you are going to do or something that is going to happen: I felt a little nervous before the interview.feelconcerned worried, especially about a problem affecting someone else, the country, or the world: People are more concerned about the environment now.beconcernbothered worried because you think something is important – used especially in negative sentences: I’m not bothered about what other people think.botherstressed/stressed out very worried and tired all the time, because you have too many problems or too much work: If you’re feeling stressed out, you should have a holiday.feelstressshallTeachers often get stressed.teacherstressapprehensive formal a little worried about something you are going to do, or about the future, because you are not sure what it will be like: I was a bit apprehensive about seeing him again after so long.bebitesee




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