

单词 float
释义 floatfloatsfloatedfloatingfloatfloat1 /fləʊt $ floʊt/ verb1[intransitive and transitive] to stay on the surface of a liquid without sinking, or to make something do thisfloat onOil floats on water.float油能浮在水上。float inI spotted a fly floating in my drink.spotfloat我看见我的饮料里漂着一只苍蝇。float down/along/pastleaves floating down the riverleavefloat沿河漂流的树叶float something down/along etcThe huge logs are floated down the river.logbefloat巨大的圆木放在河里顺流漂下。2[transitive] to stay in the air or move slowly through the air: The balloon floated up into the sky.float气球飘向了空中。3[transitive] to sell shares in a company to the public for the first time: The company was floated on the stock market last month.befloat这家公司上个月上市。




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