

单词 former
释义 formerformerformer1 /ˈfɔːmə $ ˈfɔːrmər/ adjective [only before noun] happening, existing, or true in the past, but not now ➔ present, previous: former US president, George Bush美国前总统乔治·布什。the former Yugoslavia前南斯拉夫Word Choice: former or previous?Former sounds rather formal. It is used about someone who had a position in the past, for example someone who used to be a leader, or someone’s husband: the former president of the Philippines菲律宾前总统the former head of the CIA前中央情报局局长the Princess’s former husband公主的前夫You also use former when the name of a country or organization has changed: the former Soviet Union前苏联Previous means ‘the one before the present one’. It is used about people, things, or periods of time: her previous husband她的前夫the previous day前一天Our previous house was much bigger.bebig我们以前的房子大多了。THESAURUS: formerprevious happening or existing before now, or before the time you are talking about: The situation is better than in previous years.bewellyearthe previous owner of the carHis previous jobs included selling computers and working in a restaurant.jobincludesellcomputerworklast used about the one before this one: What happened to your last mobile phone?happenDid you see the film last night?doold used about things you had or people you knew in the past, or about things that existed in the past: He’s one of my old boyfriends.boyfriendThe old theatre was pulled down years ago.bepullyearformer formal used about someone who used to have a particular job or position in the past. Also used about a place that used to have a different name in the past: the former president of Chileher former husbandthe former Soviet Unionex-wife/ex-boyfriend/ex-soldier etc someone who used to be someone’s wife, used to be a soldier etc, but is not any more: She never talks about her ex-husband.talkHer dad’s an ex-army officer.




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