

单词 apology
释义 apologyapologiesapologyapology /əˈpɒlədʒi $ əˈpɑː-/ noun [countable] (plural apologies) something that you say or write to someone to show them that you are sorry for upsetting them or causing them problemsCOLLOCATIONS: apologyverbsto make an apologyHe made no apology for what had happened.makehavehappento issue an apology (=to make an official public apology)The company issued an apology for the delay.issueto get/receive an apologyWe got no apology or explanation from the school.getto offer an apologyWe would like to offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience.willapologyto accept sb’s apologyPlease accept our apologies for the mistake.apologyto demand an apologyHe wrote a letter to the BBC demanding an apology.writedemandto owe somebody an apology (=because you have been bad or unfair to them)I was wrong. I owe you an apology.beadjectivesa public apologyShe won a public apology from her former boss.wina full apologyHe advised the newspaper to publish a full apology.advisea written apologyThe family want a written apology.writea formal apologyThe government refused to make a formal apology for the war.refusean official apologyThe company has made an official apology and is offering compensation.havemakebeoffersincere apologies (=used when you feel very sorry)Firstly, my sincere apologies for not having contacted you earlier.apologyhavecontactearly




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