

单词 from
释义 fromfromfrom /frəm; strong frɒm $ frəm; strong frʌm, frɑːm/ preposition1starting at a particular place, time, or level: He drove all the way from Colorado.drive他从科罗拉多州一路开车而来。from ... to ...the road from here to the airport从这儿到机场的道路I have classes from 9.30 to 1.30.class九点半到一点半我有课。Tickets cost from $8 to $25.ticket票价从 8 美元到 25 美元不等。I will be teaching you from now on (=starting now and continuing).teach 从现在开始由我来教你。We’ll be in Spain two hours from now (=in two hours, starting now).hour从现在起两小时后我们就到达西班牙了。2used when you are saying how far away something is: We live about ten miles from the airport.mil我们住在离机场约十英里的地方。It landed a few inches from my head.landinch它落在离我脑袋只有几英寸的地方。3used to say who gave or sent something: Who is the letter from?be这封信谁写来的?I got the idea from Colin.get这个主意是科林帮我出的。We buy our cheese from the market.我们在那家市场买干酪。Get permission from your parents first.parent首先要得到你父母的允许。4used to say where something is before it is removed: She took a key from inside the drawer.take她从抽屉里拿了一把钥匙。5used to say where someone was born, or where they usually live or work: ‘Where are you from?’ ‘I’m from South Africa.’be“你是哪儿人?”“我是南非人。”6used to say what someone or something was like before they changedfrom ... to/into ...She changed from a shy child to a confident young woman.change她从一个腼腆的孩子变成了一个自信的年轻女子。It was translated from Latin into English.betranslate这是从拉丁文翻译成英语的。7used to say where you are when you see something: We could see the house from the road.can我们从公路上可以看见那幢房子。8used to state the cause of something: She’s exhausted from the worry.exhaust她担心得精疲力竭。deaths from cancerdeath癌症造成的死亡9used to state the reason for your opinion: From what I’ve seen, he seems a nice man.seeseem就我所看到的﹐他像是个好人。10used to say what something has been made of: Beer is made from hops.bemakehop啤酒是由啤酒花酿成的。11used when you are comparing things: He’s quite different from his brother.他和他兄弟很不一样。




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