

单词 full
释义 fullfullerfullestfullfull1 /fʊl/ adjective1with no empty space containing as many things or people as possible, so there is no space left OPP empty: The train was completely full.be火车坐得满满的。We started with a full tank of petrol.start我们出发时油箱灌得满满的。full ofThe garage is crammed full of junk.becram车库塞满了垃圾。The bottle was only half full.be这个瓶子只是半满。The hotel is full up.be这家酒店客满了。2complete [only before noun] complete and including all parts or details: Please give your full name and address.请填写你的全名和地址。He has my full support.have我全力支持他。Read the full story in today’s paper!详情请见今天报纸!We will pay the full cost of repairs.repair我们会支付全部的修理费用。3highest level/amount [only before noun] as high in level or great in amount as possible: The government’s goal is full employment.be政府的目标是实现充分就业。at full speed/power/volume etcHe plays his stereo at full volume.play他的立体声设备音量开到最大。4having a lot of something be full of something/somebody a)to contain many things or people of the same kind: a garden full of flowersflower种满鲜花的花园Eric’s essay is full of mistakes.bemistake埃里克的文章错误百出。 b)feeling or showing a lot of a particular quality: We were full of excitement.be我们激动万分。5with food (also full up British English informal) having eaten so much food that you do not want to eat any more: No more, thanks. I’m full.thank不要了﹐谢谢。 我饱了。6emphasizing an amount a full ten days/six inches etc (also ten full days/six full inches etc) used to emphasize a quantity or amount: I told him about it a full three weeks in advance.tellweek我足足提前三周把这事告诉了他。7having all rights [only before noun] having all the rights that someone can have: a full driving licencedrive正式的驾驶执照a full member正式成员8busy a full life/day etc a life or day in which you are very busy or active: I have a full day tomorrow.明天我要忙上一整天。9clothes made with a lot of material and fitting loosely: a full skirt宽松的裙子10body shape large and rounded in an attractive way: a full figure丰满的体形11taste a full flavour is pleasantly strong: The coffee beans are roasted for a fuller flavour.beanberoastfull烘焙咖啡豆是为了使其味道更香浓。Phrasesbe full of yourself spoken disapproving to have a high opinion of yourself: He was too full of himself to care about anyone else.be他太自以为是,根本不顾他人。be in full swing if an event such as a party is in full swing, it has reached its highest level of activity: The party was in full swing when we arrived.bearrive我们到达时,聚会正进入高潮。in full view of somebody in a place where someone can easily see you: She hit him in full view of the neighbours.neighbour她就在邻居们的眼皮底下打了他。THESAURUS: fullfull containing as many things or people as possible, so there is no space left: My suitcase was already full of clothes.beclotheThe theatre was completely full.befilled with something full of something – use this about a container when a lot of things have been put in it: The vase was filled with flowers.befillflowerpacked completely full of people – used about a room, train etc: The bus was packed and I couldn’t get a seat.bepacka packed restaurantpackbursting with something extremely full of something: In summer the garden is bursting with flowers.beburstflowerHer wardrobe was bursting with coats and shoes.beburstcoatshoeoverflowing if a container is overflowing, it is so full that the liquid or things inside it are coming over the top: Turn the tap off – the bath’s overflowing.overflowbags overflowing with shoppingbagoverflowshop




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