

单词 gain
释义 gaingainsgainedgaininggaingain1 /geɪn/ verb1[transitive] to get or achieve something: The country gained independence in 1957.gain这个国家于 1957 年获得独立。gain control/powerThe army gained control of enemy territory.gain军队占领了敌区。2[intransitive and transitive] to get an advantage from somethinggain (something) from (doing) somethingThere is much to be gained from getting expert advice.begainget获得专家意见有很多好处。Who really stands to gain (=will get an advantage) from these tax cuts?standcut从这些减税计划中谁会真正受益?3[transitive] to increase in size or weight: I’ve gained a lot of weight recently.gain最近我的体重增加了很多。4[transitive] if a clock gains, it works too quickly and shows a later time than the real timePhrasesgain ground to become more popular or stronger: The anti-smoking lobby is gaining ground.smokebegaingrind反吸烟游说团体变得越来越有影响力。Phrasal verbsgain on somebody phrasal verb to start getting closer to someone you are chasingTHESAURUS: gainget to receive, find, or buy something: Where did you get those jeans?doI got an email from her yesterday.getobtain formal to get something, especially information or something that you need for a particular purpose: The information can be obtained from any local government office.obtainWe managed to obtain a copy of the agreement.manageacquire formal to get knowledge, skills, or something big or expensive: The course will help you to acquire the skills you need to find a job.skillThe firm was acquired by a Dutch company.beacquiregain to get something, especially experience, knowledge, control, or an advantage. Gain is more formal than get: I gained a lot of useful experience.gainThe island gained its independence in 1960.gainEach side tried to gain an advantage.tryShe gained a degree in Fine Art.gaininherit to get money or property from someone after they die: Jo inherited a lot of money from her mother.inheritget hold of sth informal to get something that is difficult to find: Where can I get hold of their address?Word Choice: gain or earn?You use earn to talk about being paid money for the work that you do:He earns over £40,000 a year.earn他一年赚四万多英镑。Do not use gain in this meaning. Do not say ‘He gains over £40,000 a year.’




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