

单词 gap
释义 gapgapsgapgap /gæp/ noun [countable]1 a space between two thingsgap ina gap in the traffic车流中的一个空隙gap betweenthe gap between two rows of seatsrowseat两排座位之间的间隔2a big difference between two thingsgap betweenthe widening gap between the rich and the poorwiden越来越大的贫富差距His films try to bridge the gap between tradition and modern life.film他的影片试图搭建起传统和现代生活之间的桥梁。3something that is missing that stops something else from being good or completegap inHis death has left a huge gap in my life.haveleave他的去世给我的生活留下一片很大的空白。Murphy will fill the gap left by Hurst’s departure from the team.leave墨菲将填补赫斯特离队后的空缺。4a period of time in which nothing happens or nothing is said: I went back to university after a gap of two years.goyear休学两年后﹐我重返大学校园。gap inan awkward gap in the conversation谈话中令人尴尬的冷场 ➔ generation gapTHESAURUS: gaphole an empty space in the ground, or in something that is torn or broken: There’s a hole in my jeans.Dig a hole wide enough for the plant’s roots.rootgap an empty area between two things or two parts of something, especially one that should not be there: He has a gap between his two front teeth.havetoothThere was a gap in the fence.beopening a hole that something can pass through or that you can see through: The train disappeared into the dark opening of the tunnel.disappearopenThere was no chimney, just an opening in the roof.beopenslot a straight narrow hole that you put a coin, card etc into: Put a coin in the slot before you dial the number.numb




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