

单词 generous
释义 generousgenerousgenerous /ˈdʒenərəs/ adjective1someone who is generous is kind and enjoys giving people things or helping them OPP meangenerous to/towardsBilly was extraordinarily generous to his friends.befriend比利对待朋友极其大方。generous withJim is always generous with his time (=is willing to spend time helping people).be吉姆总是愿意花时间去帮助别人。It was generous of you to offer to help.be你真大方﹐主动提出帮忙。generous offer/gesture/donation etca very generous gift 丰厚的礼物2more than the usual amountgenerous amount/helping/portion etca generous slice of cake 一大块蛋糕 —generouslygenerously adverb: Please give generously to Cancer Research.请为癌症研究所慷慨解囊。THESAURUS: generouskind showing that you care about other people and want to help them: It’s kind of you to offer to help.a kind old ladynice especially spoken friendly and kind: All the teachers are really nice.teacherbegenerous kind because you give people money, presents etc: Her father was very generous and was always buying her things.bebebuythingthoughtful thinking of things you can do to make other people happy or feel good: It was thoughtful of you to send him a card.beconsiderate thinking about other people’s feelings and careful not to do anything that will upset them: Our neighbours are very considerate and keep their TV turned down.neighbourbeturnsympathetic saying kind things to someone who has problems, and showing that you care about them: My friends were very sympathetic when my dog died.friendbedie




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