

单词 gentle
释义 gentlegentlergentlestgentlegentle /ˈdʒentl/ adjective1kind and careful not to hurt anyone or anything OPP rough: Arnold is a gentle, caring person.becare阿诺德是个温柔体贴的人。gentle voice/smile2not strong, extreme, or violentgentle exercise/walk etcWe broke into a gentle run.break我们开始小跑起来。Melt the butter over a gentle heat.用文火把黄油化开。a gentle breeze 柔和的微风—gentlenessgentlenessesgentleness noun [uncountable]—gentlygently adverb: a gently sloping hillslope坡度平缓的小山 Word Choice: gentle, kind, or helpful?If you are gentle, you are careful not to hurt or upset people:Be gentle with the baby.对小宝宝温柔点。 If you are kind, you behave in a way that shows you care about people and want to help them: The family were very kind and offered to let me stay in their home.beoffer那家人很友好,提出让我住在他们家。If you are helpful, you give someone good advice and help them to do something: My new teachers were very helpful.teacherbe我的新老师都很愿意帮忙。 Do not use gentle in this meaning. Do not say ‘My new teachers were very gentle.’




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