

单词 glow
释义 glowglowsglowedglowingglowglow2 verb [transitive]1to shine with a soft steady light: The red tip of his cigarette was glowing in the dark.beglow他那红红的烟头在黑暗中发着光。2if your face glows, it is bright or hot because you have been doing exercise, or are feeling a strong emotion: She was glowing with health.beglow她身体健康﹐容光焕发。3glow with happiness/pride/pleasure etc to show in your expression that you are very happy, proud etc: She glowed with happiness.glow她脸上洋溢着幸福的神情。Their young faces glowed with interest.faceglow他们年轻的脸上洋溢着饶有兴趣的神情。THESAURUS: glowshine to produce bright light – used especially about the sun, the moon, or the stars: The sun shone in the sky.shineflash to shine brightly for a very short time, or to shine on and off very quickly many times: Red warning lights were flashing.warnlightbeflashflicker to shine with an unsteady light – used about a flame or light: The candle flickered and went out.flickergotwinkle if stars or lights twinkle, they shine in the dark in a way that seems to change from bright to faint: I could see the harbour lights twinkling in the distance.canlighttwinkleglow especially literary to shine with a warm soft light: A fire glowed in the hearth.glowsparkle if something sparkles, it shines with many small bright points when light is on it: The diamond in her ring sparkled.sparklegleam to shine by reflecting the light – used especially about smooth clean surfaces, or about someone’s eyes or teeth: Emily’s eyes gleamed with pleasure.eyegleamglint to shine by reflecting quick flashes of light: The knife glinted in the sunlight.glint




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