

单词 grave
释义 gravegravergravestgravegrave2 adjective1very serious and worrying: I have grave doubts about her ability.doubt我对她的能力深感怀疑。His life is in grave danger.be他的生命危在旦夕。2looking or sounding very serious: Dr Fry looked grave. ‘I have some bad news,’ he said.looksay弗赖伊医生神情严肃﹐“我有个坏消息。”他说。—gravelygravely adverbTHESAURUS: graveserious very bad – used especially about problems, accidents, illnesses, or crimes: She had a serious car accident.haveKnife crime is a serious problem.besevere very serious – used especially about problems, injuries, and illnesses: Companies face severe financial problems.companyproblemThe fire caused severe damage to the building.causebuildHe has severe leg injuries.haveinjurygrave used about a situation that is very serious and worrying, especially because it is dangerous or seems likely to get worse: The soldiers were in grave danger.soldierbeThe economic situation is very grave.beacute an acute problem or situation has become very serious and needs to be dealt with quickly. An acute medical condition is very serious: There is an acute shortage of nurses in many parts of the country.benursepartacute liver failurelive




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