

单词 ground
释义 groundgroundsgroundedgroundinggroundground2 verb1PLANE [transitive] to stop an aircraft or pilot from flying: All planes are grounded until the fog clears.planebegroundclear所有飞机都停飞﹐直到雾散为止。2BE BASED ON STH be grounded in/on something to be based on something: His ideas are grounded in his Christian faith.ideabeground他的观点建立在他的基督教信仰之上。3CHILD [transitive] informal to stop a child going out with their friends as a punishment: If you stay out late again, you’ll be grounded for a week.ground如果你再晚回家﹐我就罚你一个星期不准出去。4ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT [transitive] American English to make a piece of electrical equipment safe by connecting it to the ground with a wire SYN earth British English




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