

单词 guard
释义 guardguardsguardedguardingguardguard2 verb [transitive]1to watch someone or something so that they do not escape, or get damaged or stolen: Two men were guarding the prisoner.manbeguard两名男子在看守着这个犯人。guard somebody/something against somethingThe village must be guarded against attack.guard村子必须戒备以防袭击。2to protect something such as a right or secret by preventing other people from taking it away, discovering it etc: a closely guarded secretguard一个严守的秘密Phrasal verbsguard against something phrasal verb to try to prevent something from happening: Exercise can guard against illness.运动可以预防疾病。THESAURUS: guardprotect to keep someone or something safe from harm, damage, or illness: Don’t worry – I’ll protect you.The painting is protected by thick glass.paintbeprotectEating healthily helps to protect against many diseases.eathelpdiseasegive/offer/provide protection if something gives protection, it protects you, but often not completely: The wall gave some protection from the wind.giveThe drug can offer protection against the disease.guard to stay near to a person, place etc and watch carefully, to make sure they do not escape, or get attacked or stolen: The whole area is guarded by soldiers with guns.beguardsoldiergunThe prisoners were guarded day and night.prisonerbeguardshield to protect something from danger or damage by putting something else in front of it: He used a towel to shield his face from the heat of the flames.useflamesafeguard to protect something important such as people’s rights, jobs, health etc: Companies have a duty to safeguard the health and safety of their employees.companyemployeeThe deal will safeguard 5,000 jobs.jobsave to stop someone or something from being harmed or destroyed: They managed to save a few possessions from the fire.managepossessionWe must save the polar bear from extinction (=from dying and disappearing completely).Emergency aid could save millions of people.canpreserve to keep land, buildings, the environment etc from being harmed, destroyed, or changed too much: The organization aims to preserve the forest for future generations.aimgeneration




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