

单词 gulp
释义 gulpgulpsgulpedgulpinggulpgulp /gʌlp/ verb1 (also gulp down) [transitive] to swallow food or drink quickly: Sip your drink – don’t gulp it.一小口一小口地喝﹐不要大口吞咽。2[transitive] to swallow suddenly because you are surprised or nervous: I gulped when I saw the bill.gulpsee我看到账单时倒吸了一口凉气。3 (also gulp in) [transitive] to breathe large amounts of air quickly: He gulped in the night air.gulp他大口呼吸夜晚的空气。—gulpgulpsgulp noun [countable]THESAURUS: gulpdrink to take liquid into your mouth and swallow it: Drink plenty of water.He finished drinking his whisky and left.finishdrinkleavehave to have a drink of something: Do you want to have a cup of tea?He’s had three beers already.havebeerI had a glass of milk.havesip to drink something slowly, in small amounts: Mark was sipping his coffee and reading the newspaper.besipreadslurp informal to drink something in a noisy way: Try not to slurp your soup.gulp sth down to drink all of something very quickly: I gulped down the tea and ran out of the house.gulprunknock sth back informal to drink all of an alcoholic drink very quickly: She had already knocked back a couple of glasses of wine.haveknockglassswig to drink something quickly by taking large amounts into your mouth, especially from a bottle: Phil swigged his beer.swig




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