

单词 gut
释义 gutgutsgutgut1 /gʌt/ noun1guts [plural] informal courage and determination to do something difficult: It takes a lot of guts to admit that you’re wrong.takegut承认自己错了需要很大的勇气。2a)guts [plural] the stomach and the organs around it inside someone’s body: I’ve got a pain in my guts.getgut我肚子痛。Remove the guts of the fish.gut去除鱼的内脏。 b)[countable] the tube in your body that food passes through: a blockage of the lower gutlow下肠道阻塞。 ➔ hate sb’s guts at hate1Phrasesgut feeling/reaction/instinct informal a feeling that you are sure is right, although you cannot give a reason for it: I had a gut feeling that he was a dangerous man.havefeelbe我凭直觉感到他是个危险人物。work/slog your guts out informal to work very hard: We’ll have to work our guts out to finish in time.gut我们必须拼命干才能按时完成。




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