

单词 hail
释义 hailhailshailhail2 noun1[uncountable] small hard drops of frozen rain that fall from the sky2a hail of bullets/stones etc a lot of bullets, stones etc that come through the air at the same time: a hail of gunfire一阵炮火THESAURUS: hailrain water that falls in small drops from clouds in the sky: There was heavy rain during the night.beI hope the rain stops soon.stopdrizzle very light rain with very small drops of water: A slight drizzle was falling.befallsleet a mixture of snow and rain: The temperature fell and the rain turned to sleet.fallturnhail rain that falls as small balls of ice: Hail and high winds have destroyed many crops.winddestroycropshower a short period of rain: Tomorrow there will be heavy showers followed by sunny periods.showerfollowperioddownpour a short period of very heavy rain that starts suddenly: A sudden downpour made us run for shelter.makestorm very bad weather with a lot of wind and rain: The ship sank in a violent storm.sink




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