

单词 hell
释义 hellhellshellhell /hel/ noun1 (also Hell) [uncountable] the place where some people believe bad people go when they die2[singular, uncountable] a very difficult or unpleasant situation or experience: He made my life hell.make他使我生活得很痛苦。She’s been through hell this last year.be这过去的一年里她吃尽了苦头。3spoken used when you are surprised or angry, or to emphasize what you are saying. Some people consider this use offensive: Oh hell! I’ve lost my keys.losekey见鬼!我把钥匙弄丢了。what/why/where etc the hell?Where the hell have you been?be你究竟去哪儿了?Phrasesa/one hell of a something informal used to emphasize that something or someone is very bad or good: The room was a hell of a mess.be房间里一片狼藉。It was one hell of a party!be这个聚会真棒!all hell broke loose informal used to say that people suddenly became very noisy or angry: All hell broke loose when Aaron Lennon scored.breakscore阿龙·伦农进球后,顿时一片喧闹。(just) for the hell of it spoken for fun, not for any other reason: He stole things just for the hell of it.stealthing他偷东西只是为了好玩。like hell informal very much, very fast etc: It hurt like hell.痛得要命。He ran like hell.run他跑得飞快。the somebody/something from hell informal used to say that someone or something is the worst you can imagine: the teenager from hell坏透了的少年




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