

单词 holiday
释义 holidayholidaysholidayholiday1 /ˈhɒlədi, -deɪ $ ˈhɑːlədeɪ/ noun1 (also holidays) [uncountable and countable] British English a period when you travel to another place for pleasure SYN vacation American English: Did you have a nice holiday?do你度假开心吗?Where are you going for your holidays?begoholiday你们打算去哪里度假?on holidayThey’re on holiday in Greece.他们正在希腊度假。2 (also holidays) [uncountable and countable] British English a period when you rest and do not go to work or school SYN vacation American English: I really need a holiday.我真的需要休假了。on holidayI’m on holiday this week.我这周休假。the school holidaysholiday 学校假期3[countable] a day on which people do not have to go to work or school: Monday’s a public holiday.周一是公众假日。 ➔ bank holiday, national holidayCOLLOCATIONS: holidayverbsto have a holidayThey seem to have lots of holidays.lotholidayto go on holidayI can’t wait to go on holiday.to book a holidayHe’s already booked his summer holiday.bookto get back from holidayWhen do you get back from your holiday?types of holidaya skiing/camping/walking holidayThe kids love camping holidays.kidcampholidaya family holidayThis is a great place for a family holiday.bea summer/winter holidayWe’re going to Cornwall for our summer holidays.goholidaya package holiday (=a holiday in which your travel and hotel are arranged by one company)The company organizes package holidays to Spain and Greece.organizeholidaya foreign holiday (=a holiday in a foreign country)Most people can’t afford two foreign holidays a year.holidaythe holiday of a lifetime (=a very good or expensive holiday that you will only take once)We took the family on a holiday of a lifetime to Orlando, Florida.takeholiday + nounholiday photos (also holiday snaps informal)She wanted to show me her holiday photos.wantphotothe holiday seasonThe town gets very crowded during the holiday season.getcrowda holiday resort (=a place where a lot of people go on holiday)Benidorm is a popular holiday resort.bea holiday brochure (=a magazine that you can choose a holiday from)We were looking through holiday brochures, thinking about the summer.belookbrochurethinka holiday romance (=a brief romantic relationship with someone you meet on holiday)It was just a holiday romance; I never saw him again.besee




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