

单词 hollow
释义 hollowhollowerhollowesthollowhollow1 /ˈhɒləʊ $ ˈhɑː-/ adjective1having an empty space inside: a hollow tree一棵空心的树2having a surface that sinks inwards: Tears ran down her hollow cheeks.tearruncheek眼泪顺着她那凹陷的脸颊流了下来。3without any meaning or emotion: His words had a hollow ring.wordhave他的言辞空洞乏力。They won, but it was a hollow victory.winbe他们赢了﹐但那是表面上的胜利。THESAURUS: hollowempty an empty container has nothing in it. An empty place has no one in it: an empty bottleThe house looked empty.lookthe empty streetsstreetbare a bare room or cupboard has very little in it. Bare walls have no pictures on them: The room was bare except for a small table.bethe bare walls of the churchwallblank a blank screen or piece of paper has no writing or pictures on it. A blank tape, CD etc has nothing recorded on it: I kept staring at the blank sheet of paper.keepstareThe tape was blank.behollow a hollow tree, wall etc has an empty space inside: The insects live in hollow trees.insecttreeThe wall was hollowbefree a free seat, space, or room is available because no one else is using it: Is this seat free?beThere are never any parking spaces free at this time of day.beparkspacevacant a vacant room or building is available for people to pay to use: a vacant apartmentThe hotel said they didn’t have any rooms vacant at the moment.sayroomdeserted a deserted place is quiet because all the people have gone away: The streets were deserted.streetbedesert a deserted villagedesertuninhabited an uninhabited place has no one living there: an uninhabited islandThe house remained uninhabited for many years.remainyear




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