

单词 hook
释义 hookhookshookedhookinghookhook2 verb [transitive]1to fasten or hang something onto or around something elsehook something onto/to etc somethingHook the bucket onto the rope and lower it down.low把桶拴在绳子上放下去。2to bend your finger, arm, or leg around something, so that you are holding or pulling ithook something through/in/over etc somethingRuth hooked her arm through Tony’s.hook露丝钩住托尼的胳膊。3to catch a fish: He hooked a 20-lb salmon.hook他钓了一条 20 磅重的鲑鱼。Phrasal verbshook up phrasal verb1hook somebody/something ↔ up to connect someone or something to a machine or piece of equipmenthook toMillions of people are now hooked up to the Internet.behook现在有数百万人连上了因特网。2American English informal if people hook up, they meet, start having a relationship, or start working togetherhook up withHe’d just hooked up with Angela.hook他刚刚开始和安杰拉交往。




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