

单词 how
释义 howhowhow /haʊ/ adverb, linking word1used to ask or talk about the way something happens or is done: How do you spell your name?你的名字怎样拼写?He explained how the system worked.explainwork他解释了这个系统是如何工作的。We both work at the airport – that’s how we met.meet我们俩都在机场工作 — 我们就是这么认识的。how to do somethingDo you know how to get to her house?你知道怎样去她家吗?2used to ask about amount, size, age etc: How many children do you have?child你有几个孩子?how much? (=used to ask the price of something)How much are those peaches?bepeach那些桃子多少钱?How old is Debbie?be戴比有多大?How long have you been here?be你来这儿多久了?3a)used to ask about someone’s health or happiness, especially when you meet them: ‘Hi Laurie, how are you?’ ‘Fine, thanks.’bethank“嗨﹐劳丽﹐你好吗?”“很好﹐谢谢。”How’s she feeling today?feel她今天感觉怎么样? b)used to ask someone for news about their life, work etc: So how’s it going at work?go那么工作怎么样?How are you doing?bedo 你过得好吗?4used to ask someone their opinion: ‘How do I look?’ ‘Great!’“我看上去怎么样?”“棒极了!”5used to emphasize the quality you are mentioninghow good/well/hot/quickly etcHe was impressed at how well she could read.beimpresscan他对她识那么多字印象深刻。 ➔ know-howPhraseshow about ...? spoken used to suggest doing something: How about a drink after work?下班后喝一杯怎么样?how come? spoken used to ask why, especially when you are surprised about something: How come Dave’s home already?戴夫怎么会已经在家了?how do you do? spoken formal used when you meet someone new for the first time: "This is my wife.” “How do you do?”be“这是我妻子。” “你好!”




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