

单词 ignore
释义 ignoreignoresignoredignoringignoreignore AC /ɪgˈnɔː $ -ˈnɔːr/ verb [transitive] to deliberately not pay attention to someone or something: They can’t ignore the fact that he’s here.他们不能对他在这里这个事实视而不见。She completely ignores her husband.ignore她完全不理睬自己的丈夫。ignore sb’s advice/warningWord Choice: ignore or not know about something?Do not use ignore when you mean ‘not know about’. If you ignore something, you deliberately do not pay any attention to it:Drivers are ignoring the speed limits.driverbeignorelimit驾车者无视时速xmvvi限制。She chose to ignore his advice.choose她决定不理睬他的建议。If you do not know about something, you do not realize that it exists or has happened: I didn’t know about the new rules.rule我不知道这些新规定。You can also sayI was unaware of the new rulesberule in the same meaning.




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