

单词 ask
释义 askasksaskedaskingaskask /ɑːsk $ æsk/ verb [intransitive and transitive]1question to speak or write to someone in order to get an answer: ‘What time is it?’ she asked.beask“现在几点了?”她问道。Can I ask a question?我能提个问题吗?Let’s ask the way.我们问一下路吧。ask somebody somethingI don’t like it when people ask me my age.我不喜欢别人问我的年龄。ask (somebody) who/what/if etcThe officer asked who we were.askbe警察问我们是谁。Ask Tom if he’s got a spare pen.get问问汤姆是否有多余的钢笔。ask (somebody) about somethingDid they ask about your experience?do他们问过你的经历吗?She asked me about my job.ask她问了我工作的事。GrammarDo not say ‘I will ask to him.’ Say I will ask him.(我会问他的。)2for help/advice/permission to make a request for help, advice, or permission: If you need anything, just ask.如果你需要什么尽管提出来。ask (somebody) for somebody/somethingI had to ask my parents for money.haveparent我只得向父母要钱。She rang the hospital and asked for Dr Harvey (=asked whether she could speak to him).ringask她打电话到医院找哈维医生。ask somebody to do somethingI asked Paula to email me the file.ask我叫葆拉把文件电邮给我。ask (somebody) if/whetherAsk your mom if you can stay over.问问你妈妈你是否可以留宿。I asked if I could use the phone.askcan我问是否可以用一下电话。ask to do somethingKaren has asked to leave early on Friday.haveask卡伦要求星期五早走。3invite to invite someone to go somewhereask somebody out (=invite someone to a film, restaurant etc because you like them)Mark’s too shy to ask girls out.girl马克太害羞了﹐不敢约女孩出去。ask somebody in/into something (=invite someone into your house, room etc)Don’t ask strangers into your house.stranger不要请陌生人进到家里。ask somebody over/round informal (=invite someone to your house)They asked us over for a meal.ask他们邀请我们过去吃饭。4price to want a particular amount of money for something you are selling: How much are you asking for the house?beask你的房子要价是多少?ask £20/$2,000 etc for somethingThey’re asking £5,000 for their old car.ask他们的旧车开价 5000 英镑。5think carefully ask yourself something to think very carefully and honestly about something: Have you asked yourself whether you’re doing the right thing?askdo你有没有问过自己你做得对不对?Phrasesbe asking for trouble/be asking for it informal used to say that doing something will cause problems: Driving a motorbike without a helmet is just asking for trouble.drivebeask骑摩托车不戴头盔简直就是自找麻烦。don’t ask me! spoken informal used to say that you do not know the answer to a question: ‘When will you be finished?’ ‘Don’t ask me!’finish“你什么时候结束?”“别问我﹐我不知道!”if you ask me spoken used to emphasize your opinion: If you ask me, you’re all wrong.依我说﹐你们都错了。Phrasal verbsask after somebody phrasal verb to ask someone about another person’s health: Jill was asking after you.beask吉尔向你问好。THESAURUS: askto ask a questionask to speak or write to someone in order to get an answer: Can I ask you a question?I emailed the hotel to ask if they had any rooms.emailhaveroominquire/enquire formal to ask for information about something: I’m writing to inquire about the job that was advertised in yesterday’s ‘Times’.writebeadvertisetimeconsult formal to ask a doctor, lawyer, expert etc for information or advice: If the problem continues, you may need to consult a doctor about it.continuequestion to ask someone a lot of questions, in order to get information about something, or to find out what they think: Police are questioning a man about the attack.bequestionMost of the people we questioned thought that the government was doing a good job.questionthinkbedointerrogate to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time, especially in an aggressive way: The prisoners were interrogated and not allowed to sleep.prisonerbeinterrogateallowto ask for somethingask for something to tell someone that you want them to give you something: I went to the bank and asked for a loan.goaskorder to ask for food or drink in a restaurant, or to ask a company to send you goods: Daniel ordered another bottle of wine.orderYou can order direct from their website.apply to ask formally for a job, a place at a university etc by writing to someone or completing a form: Which universities have you applied to?universityapplyrequest formal to ask for something, especially official permission to do something: The pilot requested permission to land.requestWe have been unable to find the information that you requested from us.berequestdemand to ask for something in a firm or angry way: Angry parents are demanding an explanation.parentbedemandbeg to ask for something that you want or need very much, in an urgent way: He begged me to stay.begplead to ask someone to do something in a way that shows you will be very unhappy if they do not do what you want: She pleaded with them not to tell her father.pleadnag to keep asking someone for something, in an annoying way: My parents are always nagging me to clean my room.parentbenag




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