

单词 impression
释义 impressionimpressionsimpressionimpression /ɪmˈpreʃən/ noun [countable]1opinion/feeling the opinion or feeling you have about someone or something because of the way they seem: I had the impression that she wasn’t very happy.have我感到她不是很快乐。What impression did you get of the new headmaster?do你觉得新校长怎么样?He gave the impression of being very shy.givebe他给人的印象是非常腼腆。Ruth was keen to make a good impression on us all.be鲁斯很想给我们每个人都留下好印象。be under the impression (that) (=to believe that something is true when it is not)Sorry, I was under the impression you were the manager.bebe抱歉﹐我以为你是经理呢。2imitation when someone copies the way a famous person talks or behaves, in order to make people laugh: She does a great impression of Madonna.do她模仿麦当娜真是维妙维肖。3mark the mark left by pressing something into a soft surfaceCOLLOCATIONS: impressionverbsto have an impressionI had the impression that he didn’t like me.haveto get an impressionDid you get a good impression of the city?doto give an impressionHe gave the impression that he didn’t care what they did.givedoto make an impression (on somebody)Think about what sort of impression you want to make.to create an impressionArriving late won’t create a very good impression.arrivewinto leave an impression (on somebody) (=to be someone or something that will be remembered)Janet certainly left an impression on him.leaveadjectivesa good/bad impressionHe was keen to make a good impression on his boss.beDressing too casually for an interview gives a bad impression.dressgivea strong/deep impressionShe made a strong impression on me the first time I met her.makemeeta lasting impression (=one that someone remembers for a long time)The first time I saw him dance it made a lasting impression.seemakelasta false/mistaken impressionMany people got the false impression she didn’t care.getHe had the mistaken impression that Julia was married.havemistakebemarrythe distinct impression (=used for emphasis when something seems very clear to you)I got the distinct impression you were jealous.getbesb’s first/initial impressionMy first impression of the new album was that it was very different.bebeTHESAURUS: impressionidea something that you think of, especially a plan or suggestion that you tell someone about: It sounds like a really good idea.soundDo you have any ideas for presents?ideapresentthought something that comes into your mind when you think about something: My mind was full of strange thoughts.bethoughtHe had a sudden thought.havethinkimpression an idea in your mind about what someone or something is like: It rained all the time, so I have a bad impression of the place.rainWhat was your impression of him?beinspiration the idea that you use for doing or creating something: The inspiration for her designs comes from the natural world.designcomeWe were all hoping for some inspiration.behopebrainwave British English, brainstorm American English a sudden clever idea, especially one that solves a problem: Then he had a brainwave – why not get someone else to do all the work?haveconcept our idea about what something is like, or how something should be: the traditional concept of marriageConcepts of beauty are different in different cultures.conceptbeculturetheory a set of ideas that are used in order to explain why something happens: a scientific theoryThere are a lot of theories about what really happened that night.betheoryhappen




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