

单词 inevitable
释义 inevitableinevitableinevitable AC /ɪˈnevətəbəl/ adjective1if something is inevitable, it will definitely happen and you cannot avoid it: Death is inevitable.be死亡是无法避免的。It is inevitable that you will be caught.becatch你必会被抓。2the inevitable something that will definitely happen: Finally, the inevitable happened and he lost his job.happenlose最后﹐不可避免的事发生了﹐他丢了工作。—inevitablyinevitably adverb: Inevitably, his alcohol problem affected his work.affect他酗酒的问题必然影响了他的工作。 —inevitabilityinevitabilitiesinevitability /ɪˌnevətəˈbɪləti/ noun [uncountable]




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