

单词 influence
释义 influenceinfluencesinfluencedinfluencinginfluenceinfluence2 verb [transitive] to change how something develops, or how someone behaves: His advice strongly influenced my decision.influence他的建议深深影响了我的决定。THESAURUS: influencepersuade to make someone decide to do something by telling them why it is a good idea, or asking them many times: I’ll try and persuade her to come to the party.encourage to try to persuade someone to do something because you think it will be good for them: Farmers are being encouraged to use fewer chemicals.farmerbebeencouragechemicalinfluence to have an effect on what someone does or thinks, but without directly persuading them: People are easily influenced by advertising.beinfluenceadvertiseHis work influenced other writers.influencewriterconvince to succeed in persuading someone that something is true or is the right thing to do: I finally convinced her to go to the police.convinceHis excuse didn’t really convince me.get sb to do sth informal to ask or persuade someone to do something, especially something that would help or please you: I can’t get her to listen to me.I’ll get my Dad to drive us there.talk sb into (doing) sth to persuade someone to do something they do not really want to do: Don’t let other people talk you into doing silly things.dothingcoax to persuade someone to do something by talking gently and kindly: We tried to coax her to eat a little, but she was too upset.trybe




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