

单词 interested
释义 interestedinterestedinterested /ˈɪntrɪstɪd/ adjective1[not before noun] if you are interested in something, you want to know more about it and you give it your attention OPP uninterested, boredinterested inShe’s very interested in computers.interestcomputer她对电脑非常感兴趣。be interested to hear/know/learn etcI’d be interested to know what you think about it.interest我想知道你对这件事有什么看法。2[not before noun] wanting to do or have somethingbe interested in doing somethingWould you be interested in coming to London with me?willinterestcome你有兴趣跟我一起去伦敦吗?THESAURUS want3interested parties/groups the people or groups who will be affected by something OPP disinterested: All interested parties are invited to attend the meeting.interestpartybeinvitemeet所有相关人士都受邀参加此次会议。THESAURUS: interestedinterested if you are interested in something, you want to know more about it and you give it your attention: I was interested in what he had to say.beinteresthavefascinated very interested by something you see, read, or hear about: Many people are fascinated by ancient Egypt.befascinateShe watched, fascinated, as the bird came closer.watchfascinatecomeclosecurious if you are curious about something, you want to find out more about it, especially because it seems strange or unusual: I was curious to find out what had happened to the money.behavehappenHe was immediately surrounded by a crowd of curious children.besurroundchildbe into something informal used when talking about the things you are interested in and enjoy: He’s into Japanese films at the moment.filmWhat kind of music are you into?begripped/riveted very interested in a story, film, event etc, so that you cannot stop reading, watching, listening etc: It’s a great book – I was gripped from the very first page.begripabsorbed very interested in something you are doing, especially so that you do not notice anything else: She was so absorbed in her work that she didn’t hear the phone ringing.beabsorbringbe obsessed with something to be too interested in something, so that you cannot stop thinking about it, often in an unhealthy way: Some young girls are obsessed with losing weight.girlbeobsessloseWord Choice: not interested, uninterested, or disinterested?The opposite of interested is not interested:The boys aren’t interested in football at all.boyinterest这些男孩对足球毫无兴趣。You use uninterested especially when someone does not think that something is important:She seems uninterested in becoming famous.seembecome她似乎无意成名。The government is uninterested in ordinary people’s problems.beproblem政府对平民百姓的问题毫不关心。You use disinterested about someone who is able to judge a situation fairly, because they will not get an advantage from it, or they do not support one particular person, group etc:The researcher should be a disinterested observer.shall研究人员应当是公正的观察者。disinterested advice客观公正的建议




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