

单词 intimidate
释义 intimidateintimidatesintimidatedintimidatingintimidateintimidate /ɪnˈtɪmədeɪt/ verb [transitive] to frighten someone or make them feel nervous: She refused to let him intimidate her.refuse她不受他威胁。—intimidatingintimidating adjective: I found the interview quite intimidating.findintimidate 我觉得这次面试相当吓人。 —intimidatedintimidated adjective: She felt intimidated by the crowd.feelintimidate 看见这么多人﹐她就觉得紧张。 —intimidationintimidationsintimidation /ɪnˌtɪməˈdeɪʃən/ noun [uncountable]THESAURUS: intimidatethreaten to tell someone that you will hurt them or cause serious problems for them if they do not do what you want: They threatened to kill us if we didn’t hand over the money.threatenShe’s always threatening to leave me.threatenblackmail to force someone to give you money or do what you want, by saying that you will tell embarrassing secrets about them: Police believe that the girl was blackmailing him and threatening to tell his wife.beblackmailthreatenintimidate to make someone feel afraid about what might happen to them or their family, so that they will do what you want: The gang threw bricks at his windows and tried to intimidate him into moving away from the area.throwbrickwindowtrymove




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