

单词 answer
释义 answeranswersansweranswer2 noun1to a question [uncountable and countable] something you say when you reply to a question that someone has asked you: Give me an answer as soon as possible.请尽快给我一个答复。answer toMark never got an answer to his letter.get马克一直没有收到回信。In answer to your question, I think Paul’s right.我来回答你的问题﹐我认为保罗是对的。I told you before, the answer is no!tellbe我跟你说过了﹐不行!2to a problem [countable] something that solves a problem: There is no easy answer.be没有简单的解决办法。answer toA bit more money would be the answer to all our problems.bitewillproblem再多一点钱就能解决我们所有的问题。3in a test [countable] something that you write or say in reply to a question in a test or competition: What was the answer to question 7?be第七题的答案是什么?the right/wrong/correct/incorrect answerScore two points for each correct answer.point每答对一题得两分。




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