

单词 join
释义 joinjoinsjoinedjoiningjoinjoin1 /dʒɔɪn/ verb1organization/club [transitive] to become a member of an organization, society, or group: Trevor joined the BBC in 1969.join特雷弗于 1969 年加入英国广播公司。Have you joined any clubs?joinclub你有没有加入过什么俱乐部?2other people [transitive] to go somewhere in order to be with someone else: Shall we join the others in the garden?我们到花园里去和大家一起好吗?3do something together a)[intransitive and transitive] to do something together with someone elsejoin somebody for somethingWhy don’t you join us for dinner?你来和我们共进晚餐吧。join (with) somebody in doing somethingPlease join with me in welcoming tonight’s speaker.welcome请和我一起欢迎今晚的演讲者。 b)[transitive] to begin to take part in an activity that other people are already doing: Local people joined the hunt for the missing girl.joinmiss当地人加入寻找失踪女孩的行动中。4connect [transitive] to connect or fasten things together: Join the two pieces of wood with strong glue.piece用强力胶水把这两块木头粘合起来。join something togetherthe corridor that joins the three buildings togetherjoinbuilding将三栋建筑连接起来的通道5roads/rivers [intransitive and transitive] if two roads, rivers etc join, they come together and are connected at a particular place: the point where the two rivers joinriver两条河的汇合点6queue join a queue/line to go and stand at the end of a line of people: He joined the queue for the bus.join他排队等公共汽车。Phrasesjoin hands if two people join hands, they hold each other’s hands: They joined hands and danced round.joinhanddance他们手拉手转着圈跳舞。Phrasal verbsjoin in (something) phrasal verb to begin to take part in something that other people are doing: The other children wouldn’t let Sam join in.child其他孩子不肯让萨姆加入。Everyone joined in the conversation.join人人都参与交谈。 join up phrasal verb1to meet with other people to do something, or to take part in an activity with other people: We can all join up for a drink later.late我们大家稍后可以一起去喝一杯。join up withThey’ve joined up with local environmentalists.joinenvironmentalist他们已经和当地的环境保护主义者联合起来。2British English to become a member of the army, navy etcTHESAURUS: join (sense 4)sense 4join to make two things become connected together, especially permanently so that they form a single thing: Doctors used a metal rod to join the two pieces of bone together.doctorusepieceIf you join the two words together, you get ‘shan’t’.wordattach to join one thing to another, so that it stays in position. Attach is often used when you can separate the two things later: She attached the photo to the letter with a paper clip.attachconnect (also connect up) to join pieces of equipment together, especially with a wire or pipe, so that electricity, gas, water etc can pass from one to another: A pipe connects the two gas tanks.connecttanklink (also link up) to connect machines, systems, computers etc, so that electronic signals can pass from one to another: All the office PCs are linked to the main server.belink




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