

单词 kind
释义 kindkindskindkind1 /kaɪnd/ noun [countable] a type of person or thing ➔ sortkind ofWhat kind of pizza do you want?你想要哪种意大利薄饼?We sell all kinds of hats.kindhat我们出售各式各样的帽子。I think they’re having some kind of party upstairs.have我想他们正在楼上举行什么聚会吧。of its kindThe course is the only one of its kind.be这道菜是同类菜中独有的。Ted just isn’t the marrying kind (=the type of person who gets married).marry泰德根本就不是那种想结婚的人。Phrasesa kind of (a) something spoken used to say that your description of something is not exact: a kind of reddish-brown colour有点红棕色kind of spoken slightly, or in some ways SYN sort of, kinda American English: He looks kind of weird to me.look我觉得他看上去有点怪。I’m kind of glad I didn’t win.我倒是有点庆幸我没有赢。nothing/anything of the kind spoken used to emphasize that what has been said is not true: I never said anything of the kind!say我根本没说过那样的话!of a kind disapproving used to say that something is not as good as it should be: I think it’s chicken – of a kind. 我想﹐这也算是鸡肉吧。one of a kind the only one of a particular type of thing: Each vase is handmade and one of a kind.be每一只花瓶都经手工制作﹐是独一无二的。THESAURUS: kindtype a group of people or things that are similar to each other in some way: There are many different types of credit card.betypekind a type of thing or person. Kind is more common than type in everyday English: What kind of music do you like?sort especially spoken a type of thing or person. Sort sounds more informal than kind: My brother and I do the same sort of job.form a type of thing that has several very different types – used especially in the following phrases: a rare form of the diseasedifferent forms of transportformnew forms of energyformart forms such as ballet and musicformThe spoken word is only one form of communication.speakbevariety a type of thing that is slightly different from others in the same group, for example a plant: This is a new variety of rose.berisespecies a group of plants or animals that are all similar and can produce young animals or plants of the same type: Climate change is threatening the survival of many species.bethreatencategory a group that things or people of the same type are divided into for a particular purpose: The novels are in three categories: historical, romantic, and crime.novelbecategory




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