

单词 labour
释义 labourlabourslabourlabour1 AC /ˈleɪbə $ -ər/ British English, laborlaborslabor American English noun1[uncountable] work, especially hard physical work: The job involves hard manual labour (=hard work that you do with your hands).involve这份工作要干重体力活。2[uncountable] people who work in an industry or country: There is a shortage of skilled labour (=trained workers).be熟练工人短缺。These countries can provide cheap labour.country这些国家可以提供廉价劳动力。labour force (=all the people who work in a company or country)the number of women in the labour forcenumbwoman劳动力中的女性人数labour-intensive (=needing a lot of workers)labour-intensive farming methodsfarmmethod劳动密集型耕作法3[singular, uncountable] the process of giving birth to a babyin labourMeg was in labour for six hours.behour梅格分娩花了六个小时。Phraseslabour of love something that you do because you enjoy it, not for money: The movie is clearly a labor of love.be拍这部电影显然是出于爱好。




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