

单词 immediately
释义 immediatelyimmediatelyimmediately /ɪˈmiːdiətli/ adverb1quickly and without any delay: Open this door immediately!立刻把这扇门打开!2immediately before/after/following something very soon before or after something: We spoke immediately after the meeting.speakmeet会议一结束我们就交谈起来。3immediately behind/above/below etc something in the closest position behind, above etc something: They live immediately above us.他们就住在我们楼上。THESAURUS: immediatelyimmediately quickly and without any delay: Sam immediately offered to help.offerat once immediately, especially because something is urgent: The head teacher wants to see you at once.wantright away (also straightaway British English) especially spoken immediately, especially because something is urgent: I’ll come right away.She apologized straightaway.apologizeinstantly immediately – used when something happens at almost the same time as something else: He died instantly.dieI realised instantly that I had made a mistake.havemakethis minute spoken immediately – used when someone orders you to do something, especially when they are annoyed with you: Stop making that noise this minute!make




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