

单词 land
释义 landlandslandland1 /lænd/ noun1[uncountable] an area of ground: He owns 5,000 acres of agricultural land.ownacre他拥有5000 英亩农业用地。THESAURUS ground2[uncountable] the solid dry part of the Earth’s surface OPP seaon landFrogs live on land and in the water.frog青蛙生活在陆上和水中。by landThey travelled by sea and by land.travel他们乘船坐车。They were glad to be back on dry land.be他们很高兴又回到了陆地。3[countable] literary a country or areadistant/foreign landsHe had travelled to many foreign lands.havetravelland他游历过许多国家。He longed to return to his native land (=the land where he was born).long他渴望回到祖国。THESAURUS countryCOLLOCATIONS: landnoun + landa piece/plot of land (=an area of land)They own a small piece of land.I bought this plot of land ten years ago.buyyearan acre/a hectare of landShe has ten acres of land.haveacreadjectivesgood/fertile land (=good for growing crops)The land here is very fertile.bepoor land (=not good for growing crops)The land was so poor that nothing grew.begrowagricultural landThe factory is polluting nearby agricultural land.bepollutegrazing land (=where cows or sheep can eat grass)Today this is grazing land for sheep.begrazeindustrial landThere is plenty of industrial land available.behousing/building land British English (=where houses can be built)the shortage of housing land in the south-easthousevacant land (=unused land)There is a good amount of vacant land.beopen land (=without buildings, fences etc)London was once surrounded by open land.besurroundprivate land (=land that is owned by someone)Do you know you’re on private land?THESAURUS: landland an area of ground: The land could be used for building houses.canusebuildhousefarmland land that is used for farming: The village is surrounded by farmland.besurroundterritory land that belongs to a country, or that a country or group controls during a war: US territoryThe army was advancing into enemy territory.beadvancethe grounds the gardens and land around a big building such as a castle, school, or hospital: They went for a walk in the palace grounds.goground




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