

单词 headache
释义 headacheheadachesheadacheheadache /ˈhedeɪk/ noun [countable]1a pain in your head: The noise was making my headache worse.bemakeill那噪音吵得我头更痛了。2a serious problem that you worry about: money and other headachesheadache钱及其他棘手问题GrammarHeadache is a countable noun. Do not say ‘I had headache.’ SayI had a headache.have(我头痛。)COLLOCATIONS: headacheadjectivesa bad/terrible/severe headacheI’ve got a really bad headache.get ► Do not say ’a strong/heavy headache’. Say a bad headache.a splitting headache (=a very bad headache)She woke up with a splitting headache.wakesplita slight headache (also a bit of a headache spoken)It’s not serious. It’s just a slight headache. ► Do not say ’a little headache’. Say a slight headache or a bit of a headache.verbsto have a headache (also have got a headache spoken)If you have a headache you should take some aspirin.shallto get headaches/suffer from headaches (=regularly have a headache)I used to get headaches a lot.useheadacheto give somebody a headache Too much coffee gives me a headache.give




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