

单词 leak
释义 leakleaksleakedleakingleakleak1 /liːk/ verb1 [intransitive and transitive] if a container, pipe, roof etc leaks, there is a small hole or crack in it that lets liquid or gas flow through: The roof is leaking.beleak屋顶在漏水。My car’s leaking oil.leak我的车在漏油。2[transitive] if a liquid or gas leaks somewhere, it gets through a hole in somethingleak into/from/outGas was leaking out of the pipes.beleakpipe煤气正从管道中漏出来。3[transitive] to deliberately give secret information to newspapers, television etc: The report’s findings had been leaked.findinghavebeleak这份报告的调查结果已被泄露。leak something to somebodyShe leaked information to the press.leak她把消息透露给了新闻界。Phrasal verbsleak out phrasal verb if secret information leaks out, a lot of people find out about it




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