

单词 lightly
释义 lightlylightlylightly /ˈlaɪtli/ adverb1with only a small amount of weight or force SYN gently: He touched her lightly on the shoulder.touch他轻碰她的肩膀。2using or having only a small amount of something: a lightly greased pangrease涂了少许油的平底锅3take/treat/approach something lightly to do something without serious thought: We did not take this decision lightly.do我们不是随随便便作出这个决定的。Phrasesget off lightly (also be let off lightly) to be punished in a way that is less severe than you deserve: They got off lightly considering the seriousness of the crime.getconsider从罪行的严重性来说,他们被判得过轻了。




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