

单词 splash
释义 splashsplashessplashedsplashingsplashsplash1 /splæʃ/ verb [intransitive and transitive] if a liquid splashes, or if you splash it, it falls on something or hits itsplash something on/over somethingHe splashed water on his face.splash他往脸上泼水。splash against/on/overThe waves splashed against the side of the boat.wavesplash 波浪拍打着船帮。splash in/through/aroundchildren splashing through the puddleschildsplashpuddle趟过一个个小水坑的孩子们Phrasal verbssplash out phrasal verb to spend a lot of money on something that you do not really needsplash out onWe’ve splashed out on a new kitchen.splash我们花了一大笔钱翻新了厨房。




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