

单词 condemn
释义 condemncondemnscondemnedcondemningcondemncondemn /kənˈdem/ verb [transitive]1to say very strongly that you do not approve of someone or something: Politicians were quick to condemn the bombing.politicianbebomb政治家们立刻谴责这起炸弹袭击。2to give a severe punishment to someone who is guilty of a crime: The murderer was condemned to death.becondemn凶手被判处死刑。3to force someone to live in an unpleasant way or to suffercondemn somebody to somethingfamilies who are condemned to a life of povertyfamilybecondemn被迫过着贫穷生活的家庭4to say officially that a building is not safe enough to be used




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