

单词 loan
释义 loanloansloanloan1 /ləʊn $ loʊn/ noun1[countable] an amount of money that you borrowloan ofa loan of $6,000一笔 6000 美元的贷款a $25,000 bank loan (=from a bank) 一笔 25,000 美元的银行贷款business/student/personal loan (=money you borrow for business, university, or personal costs)We took out a personal loan to pay for our holiday.take我们办了一笔个人贷款去度假。pay off/repay/pay back a loan (=give back money you have borrowed)2[singular] when you lend something to someoneloan ofThanks for the loan of that book.thank谢谢你借我那本书。Phraseson loan (from somebody/something) if something is on loan, it has been borrowed: The paintings are on loan from other galleries.paintingbegallery这些画是从其他美术馆借来的。COLLOCATIONS: loanverbsto take out a loan (=to borrow money)Most home buyers take out a loan.buyerto repay/pay off/pay back a loan (=to give back money you have borrowed)He had to pay back the loan within two years.haveyearto give somebody a loanMaybe your boss will give you a loan.to make a loan (=to give someone a loan)Banks are cautious about making new loans.bankbemakeloanto ask for a loanHe asked his father for a loan.askto apply for a loan (=to ask a bank or other organization for a loan)Students can apply for a government loan.studentto get a loanI had to get a loan to buy the car.havetypes of loana £20,000/$5,000 etc loanThe company asked for a £100,000 loan.aska bank loan (=money lent by a bank)He had been refused a bank loan.haveberefusea home/car loan (=a loan to buy a home or a car)They took out a thirty-year home loan.takea personal loan (=money lent to a person, rather than a company)He took out a personal loan and then lost his job.takelosea business loan (=money lent to a business)They’ve applied for a business loan.applya student loan (=money lent to a student to pay for university)Many college graduates are paying off huge student loans.graduatebepayloanan interest-free loan (=on which you pay no interest)They offer an interest-free loan for two years.year




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