

单词 permanently
释义 permanentlypermanentlypermanently /ˈpɜːmənəntli $ ˈpɜːr-/ adverb always, or for a very long time: The accident left him permanently disabled.leavedisable这场事故造成他终身残疾。THESAURUS: permanentlyalways forever, or for all your life: Don’t worry – things won’t always be this bad!thingwinWe will always have each other.forever if something lasts or continues forever, it continues for all future time: Our planet will not last forever.She wanted the holidays to go on forever.wantholidaypermanently for a very long time, often for the rest of your life – used about a change that happens: They decided to move to Portugal permanently.decideHer hearing was permanently damaged by the explosion.hearbedamagefor life for the rest of your life: They should put that man in prison for life.shallMarriage should be for life.shallfor good especially spoken for a very long time and possibly forever – used especially when saying that someone or something goes away or comes back permanently: This time he says he’s coming back for good.saycomeThose days have gone for good.daygo




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