

单词 lost
释义 lostlostlost1 /lɒst $ lɒːst/ adjective1not knowing where you are or how to find your way: We got lost driving around the city.getlosedrive我们开车在城里兜风时迷了路。a lost childlose一个走失的孩子2if something is lost, you cannot find it: two boys searching for a lost ballboysearchlose在寻找一个丢失的球的两个男孩The card got lost in the post.getlose卡片寄丢了。3be/feel lost to not feel confident or happy: He felt completely lost when his wife died.feellosedie妻子去世后,他觉得茫然无措。 ➔ long-lostPhrasesbe lost for words to be so shocked, impressed etc that you cannot think what to say: For once in her life, she was lost for words.beloseword她平生第一次无言以对。be lost on somebody if something such as a joke is lost on someone, they cannot understand it: The joke was completely lost on Neil.belose尼尔完全没听懂这个笑话。get lost! spoken used to tell someone rudely to go away: Leave me alone. Go on, get lost!lose别烦我。你给我滚吧!lost cause something that will definitely not be successful: It looked like the match was a lost cause.lookbelose看来这场比赛是注定要输的。




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