

单词 average
释义 averageaverageaverage1 /ˈævərɪdʒ/ adjective1[only before noun] the average amount is the amount you get when you add together several figures and divide this by the total number of figures: The average cost of making a movie has risen by 15%.makehaverise制作一部电影的平均成本上升了 15%。Last winter was colder than average.becold去年冬天比往年冷。2[only before noun] an average person or thing is the usual or most typical size or type: They have an average size garden.他们有一个普通大小的花园。In an average week I drive about 250 miles.mil正常情况我一个星期开车约 250 英里。THESAURUS normal3not very good but not very bad: I didn’t think it was a great movie – just average really.be我认为这部影片不是很好﹐只是一般而已。THESAURUS: averagenormal usual, typical, and expected: Is it normal to faint after you’ve given blood?begiveordinary (also regular American English) not special, unusual, or different from normal: It’s just an ordinary house in an ordinary street.I’m just a regular guy!average around the usual level or amount: My weight is about average.beA man of average size should eat 2000 calories a day.shallcaloriestandard the standard size, shape, or method of doing something is the usual one: What’s the standard size for a swimming pool?swimPutting a photo on your CV is standard practice in some places.putbeplaceregular a regular coffee, cola etc is the normal size, and is not big or small – used when ordering food and drink: I’ll have a regular fries.fryroutine a routine check, inspection, operation etc is one that is done regularly, not for any special reason: a routine medical examinationeveryday everyday objects are things that you use in your normal life. Everyday events are ones that happen in your normal life: a jug, a lamp, or some other everyday objectconventional conventional equipment or methods are ones that are usually used – used when comparing this with something new and different: This oven heats up much more quickly than a conventional oven.heat




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