

单词 average
释义 averageaveragesaverageaverage2 noun1[countable] the amount that you get by adding several figures together and then dividing the result by the number of figuresaverage ofThe average of 3, 8 and 10 is 7.be3﹑8 和 10 的平均数为 7。Each person raised an average of £60.raise平均每人募集到 60 英镑。2[uncountable and countable] the usual level or amount for most people or thingsabove/below averagestudents of above average abilitystudent能力高于平均水平的学生Phraseson average based on a calculation of what usually happens: On average, men still earn more than women.manwoman平均来看﹐男性赚钱还是比女性多。




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