

单词 mad
释义 madmaddermaddestmadmad /mæd/ adjective1angry informal angry: You make me so mad!你真把我气坏了!mad atLisa was really mad at me for telling Dad.betell莉莎因为我告诉了爸爸而对我非常生气。go mad British English (=become very angry)Mum will go mad when she finds out.find妈妈知道了会气疯的。2crazy British English informal crazy or very silly: You’re mad to get involved with someone like him!involve你疯了﹐和他这样的人搞在一起!a mad idea荒唐的想法THESAURUS crazy3mentally ill old-fashioned mentally ill: Van Gogh went mad (=became mentally ill).go梵高疯了。4excited behaving in an excited or uncontrolled way: The crowd went mad when Liverpool scored.goscore利物浦队进球得分﹐观众欣喜若狂。5done quickly a mad dash/rush/panic informal when you try to do something very quickly because you do not have much time: It was a mad rush to get ready on time.be大家手忙脚乱地赶时间。Phrasesdrive somebody mad if something or someone drives you mad, you find them very annoying: The flies are driving me mad.flybedrive这些苍蝇快让我受不了。like mad informal very quickly: Everyone was working like mad.bework每个人都在拼命工作。be mad about somebody/something British English informal to like someone or something very much: The kids are mad about football.kidbe孩子们对足球非常着迷。THESAURUS likeTHESAURUS: madangry feeling or showing anger: He gets really angry if people are late.getbeangry voicesvoicemad [not before noun] informal angry: Dad was mad at me for damaging the car.bedamagecross [not before noun] spoken a little angry – used when speaking to people you know well: Don’t be cross with me.annoyed [not before noun] a little angry, but not very angry: I was annoyed that the class was cancelled again.beannoybecancelKay was annoyed by his thoughtless remark.beannoyirritated a little angry about something silly or unpleasant that keeps happening: He was clearly irritated by their stupid questions.beirritatequestionWe were getting irritated by the noise next door.begetirritatefurious/livid very angry: He was furious when he found out what they’d done to his car.befinddooutraged very shocked and angry: There were hundreds of complaints from outraged viewers.behundredcomplaintoutrageviewerbad-tempered a bad-tempered person becomes angry easily and often: a bad-tempered old mantemperin a bad mood if someone is in a bad mood, they seem angry and behave in an unfriendly way, often for no particular reason: I woke up in a bad mood.wakeWhy are you in such a bad mood?becrazy very strange or not sensible: Don’t listen to him – he’s crazy.It was a crazy thing to do.bemad British English crazy: Are you completely mad?beWhose mad idea was that?benuts (also crackers/bonkers British English) informal crazy: That guy is nuts.benutThe whole thing sounds bonkers.soundinsane informal completely crazy and stupid: She should never have lent him the money – she must be insane.shalllendWe live in an insane world.




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