

单词 flight
释义 flightflightsflightflight /flaɪt/ noun1[countable] a journey in a plane, or the plane making a particular journey: It had been a long, tiring flight.havebetire飞行漫长而令人疲惫。They caught the next flight home.catch他们搭乘了下一班飞机回家。Flight 453453 航班2[uncountable] when something flies through the airin flightYou can unfasten your seat belt once the plane is in flight.be飞机开始平稳飞行后可松开安全带。3flight of stairs/steps a set of stairs: She ran up two flights of stairs.runflightstair她跑上两段楼梯。4[uncountable] formal when you leave a place in order to escape from a dangerous situationflight fromhis flight from South Africa他逃离南非 ➔ in-flightCOLLOCATIONS: flightverbsto book a flight (=to reserve a seat on a plane)You can book flights online.flightto get a flightI’ll try to get a flight home tomorrow.to catch/take a flightHe planned to catch the 6 pm flight back to Munich.planto board a flight (=to get on a plane)We had to wait for a couple of hours before boarding our flight.havehourboardto miss a flightHurry, or you’ll miss your flight.a flight is cancelled/delayedAll flights have been cancelled because of fog.flightbecanceladjectivesa good/smooth flightDid you have a good flight?doa long/short flightIt’s only a short flight from here.a long-haul flight (=over a long distance)a long-haul flight to Australiaa direct flight (=going straight from one place to another)I couldn’t get a direct flight to Cairo.an international flight (=to another country)All international flights have been cancelled.flightbecancela domestic/internal flight (=between two places in the same country)The plane was on a domestic flight.bea scheduled flight (=a plane service that flies at the same time every day or every week)There are scheduled flights between the islands.bescheduleflightislanda charter flight (=a plane service that is arranged for a particular group or purpose)The company operates charter flights to Crete.operateflightflight + nounthe flight numberThe flight number is displayed on the boards.numbbedisplayboardthe flight time (=how long it takes to fly somewhere)The flight time is three hours and fifteen minutes.behourminute




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