

单词 low
释义 lowlowerlowestlowlow1 /ləʊ $ loʊ/ adjective1in height not far above the ground OPP high: a low ceiling低矮的天花板low cloudscloud低垂的云Put it on the lowest shelf.low把它放在架子的最底层。2in amount/value small in amount, value etc OPP high: Temperatures will be lower than yesterday.temperaturelow气温将低于昨天。We try to keep our prices as low as possible.price我们尽量把价格保持在最低水平。families on low incomesfamilyincome 低收入家庭low-fat/low-salt etc (=with very little fat, salt etc)low-alcohol beer低度啤酒 THESAURUS cheap3in standard below an acceptable standard OPP high: She got a very low grade in English.get她英语成绩考得很差。low quality goodsgood劣质产品4unhappy [not before noun] unhappy: Kerry’s been pretty low lately.be凯丽最近情绪很低落。5voice/sound a low voice or sound is quiet or deep THESAURUS quiet6lights lights that are low are not brightTHESAURUS: lowcheap costing very little money, or less than you expected: cheap flightsflightThe jacket was really cheap. It was only $20.bebelow low prices, rents, or fees do not cost a lot of money: The rent is very low.rendbeThey sell good food at surprisingly low prices.pricebudget budget flights, airlines, hotels etc have specially low prices: You can get a budget flight to Amsterdam for only £19.be a bargain especially spoken to be extremely cheap: The coat was a real bargain.bebe good/great value to be worth the money that you pay: At £12.50, the book is good value.beinexpensive formal not expensive compared to other things of the same kind: Hotels are relatively inexpensive compared to London.hotelbecomparereasonable a reasonable price seems fair and is not too high: The restaurant serves good food at reasonable prices.servepriceeconomical cheap because it uses less money or fuel: It is more economical to buy in large quantities.bequantityan economical carquiet not making a loud sound or a lot of noise: a quiet voiceThe engine is so quiet!besilent not speaking or making any sound at all: Everyone in the room was silent.beHe said a silent prayer.saysoft quiet and pleasant to listen to: a romantic evening with soft musicevenHis voice was soft and gentle.below a low voice is quiet because you do not want people to hear what you are saying. A low sound is deep or does not make much noise: They were speaking in low voices.bespeakvoiceThere was a low rumbling sound.berumbleThe music was played at low volume.beplayfaint quiet and difficult to hear, especially because the sound comes from a long way away: the faint sound of church bellsbellHer voice sounded very faint.soundpeaceful quiet in a pleasant and relaxing way – used about a place where there is not much noise: It’s very peaceful here.a peaceful place




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