

单词 pair
释义 pairpairspairedpairingpairpair2 verbPhrasal verbspair off phrasal verb if two people pair off or someone pairs them off, they come together, especially to start a romantic relationship: The guests paired off for the first dance.guestpair 宾客们成双结对地跳第一支舞。pair somebody ↔ off (with somebody)She tried to pair me off with her son.try她试图把我和她儿子配成一对。pair up phrasal verb if two people pair up or someone pairs them up, they work together or do something togetherpair up withI paired up with Mike for the quiz.pair我和麦克结对参加问答比赛。pair somebody ↔ upThe children were paired up.childbepair孩子们被分成两人一组。




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