

单词 may
释义 maymaymay /meɪ/ modal verb1if something may happen, it is possible that it will happen, but not certain ➔ might, can: Your job may involve travel.你的工作可能需要出差。I may not have enough money.我可能不够钱。2formal used to say that someone is allowed to do something: Students may borrow CDs from the library.student学生可以从图书馆借激光唱片。3spoken used to ask or suggest something politely: May I ask your name?我可以问一下你的名字吗? ➔ see WORD CHOICE at can4used to say that you accept that one thing is true but that something else connected to it is more important: Exercise may be dull but we all need it.运动或许是很枯燥﹐但我们都需要运动。Phrasesmay as well spoken used to say that someone should do something because there is no reason not to: We may as well go to bed.我们还是上床睡觉吧。GrammarMay is not used in questions about possible events or situations. Use might instead: Might there be problems?problem可能会有问题吗?




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